Welcome to primary 2a's blog!
It has been a busy start to the year for room 4. We have been especially busy with our two topics The Gruffalo which we were able to enjoy and develop our imaginative writing skills as well as carrying out some group challenges. One of the best parts of the topic was listening to the Gruffalo in Scots!
Our second topic this term has been learning all about dinosaurs. Out favourite dinosaurs to learn about were the Diplodocus, Tyranausauru- Rex and the Pterodactyl to name but a few. We learned about the different features of dinosaurs, how they protected themselves, the differences between Herbivores and Carnivores. We also learned about how they became extinct. Below are some pictures of the information posters we designed as part of a team challenge.
At the end of the topic we were set a homework challenge to create a piece of work all about dinosaurs. We could use our imaginations to design a poster, create a model and as you can see from the photographs below we came up with some truly original ideas to display our learning. When we brought our project in to school, we were give the opportunity to show our work to the class and answer questions that they'd thought for us. This was definitely one of the highlights of the topic!
Have a look at the photographs below that show us presenting out work to the rest of the class.
It has been a busy start to the year for room 4. We have been especially busy with our two topics The Gruffalo which we were able to enjoy and develop our imaginative writing skills as well as carrying out some group challenges. One of the best parts of the topic was listening to the Gruffalo in Scots!
Our second topic this term has been learning all about dinosaurs. Out favourite dinosaurs to learn about were the Diplodocus, Tyranausauru- Rex and the Pterodactyl to name but a few. We learned about the different features of dinosaurs, how they protected themselves, the differences between Herbivores and Carnivores. We also learned about how they became extinct. Below are some pictures of the information posters we designed as part of a team challenge.
At the end of the topic we were set a homework challenge to create a piece of work all about dinosaurs. We could use our imaginations to design a poster, create a model and as you can see from the photographs below we came up with some truly original ideas to display our learning. When we brought our project in to school, we were give the opportunity to show our work to the class and answer questions that they'd thought for us. This was definitely one of the highlights of the topic!
Have a look at the photographs below that show us presenting out work to the rest of the class.
We have been learning about different units of measure this term. We now know all about Meters, Kilograms and Litres. During one of our lessons, we took a trundle wheel outside in to the playground and measured out how long dinosaurs were. We were really surprised to find that some were as long as our playground!
Excellent Behaviour!
Mrs Ross was extremely proud of all of the children in room 4 because everyone received a certificate for Excellent behaviour. Well done Room 4!
At October 25, 2013 11:20 am ,
Maureen Kerrigan said...
Love to see all the photos and hearing about what the kids have been doing at school. Keep it coming!!!!
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